Welcome to Year 4
Together, with our children, we make up a fabulous team, striving for excellence and enjoyment. Our motto is: teamwork makes the dream work!
In Year Four at Elloughton Primary School, we want to create the opportunity for all children to immerse themselves fully into Key Stage Two and the exciting challenges that it will bring.
After successfully transitioning into Key Stage Two during Year 3, our pupils can now understand their role as independent learners within school. We reasonably expect them to master key skills such as: organisation, time management and to continue the commitment and motivation towards learning and developing as children.
Teaching and learning at Elloughton Primary School does not stand still. We are constantly striving to excite, challenge and motivate all pupils. Through our ‘Big Question’, we take the lead from the children’s imagination, building on their prior knowledge, current interests and strengths as well as developing their next steps. Whilst designing our rich and challenging curriculum, we deliver a range of lessons that engage all pupils and adopt different styles of learning giving the opportunity for practical, collaborative learning as well as stretching their reasoning skills.
As a school, we hold our moral compass at the heart of everything we do. We celebrate perseverance, resilience and risk taking, ensuring children welcome challenges and are not afraid to make mistakes. We also use our ‘Learning Keys’ to unlock our learning potential. We encourage curiosity, develop concentration, we learn to effectively communicate, be resilient and always reflect and improve.
The content and rigour of our Lower Key Stage Two curriculum raises expectations and inspires our pupils to achieve the very best they can. We aim for your child to mature emotionally and socially and feel confident but, above all, enjoy their time in Year Three & Four.
In Year Four at Elloughton Primary School, we want to create the opportunity for all children to immerse themselves fully into Key Stage Two and the exciting challenges that it will bring.
After successfully transitioning into Key Stage Two during Year 3, our pupils can now understand their role as independent learners within school. We reasonably expect them to master key skills such as: organisation, time management and to continue the commitment and motivation towards learning and developing as children.
Teaching and learning at Elloughton Primary School does not stand still. We are constantly striving to excite, challenge and motivate all pupils. Through our ‘Big Question’, we take the lead from the children’s imagination, building on their prior knowledge, current interests and strengths as well as developing their next steps. Whilst designing our rich and challenging curriculum, we deliver a range of lessons that engage all pupils and adopt different styles of learning giving the opportunity for practical, collaborative learning as well as stretching their reasoning skills.
As a school, we hold our moral compass at the heart of everything we do. We celebrate perseverance, resilience and risk taking, ensuring children welcome challenges and are not afraid to make mistakes. We also use our ‘Learning Keys’ to unlock our learning potential. We encourage curiosity, develop concentration, we learn to effectively communicate, be resilient and always reflect and improve.
The content and rigour of our Lower Key Stage Two curriculum raises expectations and inspires our pupils to achieve the very best they can. We aim for your child to mature emotionally and socially and feel confident but, above all, enjoy their time in Year Three & Four.
There are plenty of opportunities to read in LKS2. We read our own reading books, linked to our reading spine. Our home reading progression is as follows: We also choose books to read from the fantastic range available within our classrooms, for pleasure.
During Reading lessons, we take part in whole class reading where we use a challenging text to really engage the children. What is more, we also read to the children so that they experience a range of genres but also witness high quality reading as modelled by our amazing staff. As the children move into Key Stage Two, we adopt a new assessment criteria. Children will learn to:
Suggested Texts for Year 4 Pupils
For more reading suggestions for pupils in LKS2, please click here: If your child is a reluctant reader, please find text suggestions here: For picture books for LKS2 readers, please click here: To encourage your child to read widely (not always the same author or series) please find ‘branching out’ suggestions here: |
Throughout the year, children in Year Four will have copious opportunities to build on all that they have learned in Year Three. They will continue to develop their understanding of audience and purpose. They will learn about compound and complex sentence structures and will modify clauses using adverbials.
They will learn a range of skills through a range of writing units covering non-fiction, fiction and poetry.
Throughout the year, children in Year Four will have copious opportunities to build on all that they have learned in Year Three. They will continue to develop their understanding of audience and purpose. They will learn about compound and complex sentence structures and will modify clauses using adverbials.
They will learn a range of skills through a range of writing units covering non-fiction, fiction and poetry.
Year 3/4 Writing Overview (Curriculum Cycle A)
Year 3/4 Writing Overview (Curriculum Cycle B)
In Year Four , we continue to build upon the phonics and spelling knowledge and rules learnt previously. We encourage the children to independently use this knowledge. alongside spelling aids around the classroom, to increase accuracy of spelling in all their written work.
Our teaching sequence is evident below. Spellings will be sent home weekly on a Monday.
We recommend learning spellings in sentences as well as using the app Spelling Shed.
In Year Four , we continue to build upon the phonics and spelling knowledge and rules learnt previously. We encourage the children to independently use this knowledge. alongside spelling aids around the classroom, to increase accuracy of spelling in all their written work.
Our teaching sequence is evident below. Spellings will be sent home weekly on a Monday.
We recommend learning spellings in sentences as well as using the app Spelling Shed.
In Year Four, the children continue on their Mastery Maths journey in single class sets. We use White Rose schemes of learning to support our planning for teaching and learning. Our planning builds upon previous learning in small steps which allows all children to develop fluency, reasoning and depth of understanding in mathematics. Year Four will introduce the children to various new written methods and introduce x3, x6 and x9 times tables ready for the Year 4 multiplications check where they have to quickly recall up to 12 x 12. Over the year, the children will develop their independent ability to reason and explain and solve problems.
In Year Four, the children continue on their Mastery Maths journey in single class sets. We use White Rose schemes of learning to support our planning for teaching and learning. Our planning builds upon previous learning in small steps which allows all children to develop fluency, reasoning and depth of understanding in mathematics. Year Four will introduce the children to various new written methods and introduce x3, x6 and x9 times tables ready for the Year 4 multiplications check where they have to quickly recall up to 12 x 12. Over the year, the children will develop their independent ability to reason and explain and solve problems.
Year 4 Maths Curriculum Map
We also expect children in lower key stage two to access Doodlemaths (an amazing personalised maths tuition app) at least 4 times a week or stay in the green zone and Times Table Rockstars at least 4 times a week.
Our Curriculum
Each term, our learning follows an area of enquiry’. Our enquiries are:
Cycle A (2023-24)
Enquiry 1 - How did Britain change from the Stone Age to the Iron Age?
Enquiry 2 - Who lives in Antarctica?
Enquiry 3 - What are rivers and how are they used?
Enquiry 4 - What were the earliest civilisations like?
Enquiry 5 - Who were the Ancient Egyptians?
Enquiry 6 - Where does our food come from?
Cycle B (2024-25)
Enquiry 1 - How did the Greek civilisation influence the modern world?
Enquiry 2 - Why do people live near volcanoes?
Enquiry 3 - How did the arrival of the Romans change Britain?
Enquiry 4 - Why are rainforests important to us?
Enquiry 5 - Are all settlements the same?
Enquiry 6 - Why were the trawlermen heroes in Hull?
Throughout our curriculum, we will bring together subjects like history and geography, as well as explicitly teaching computing, music, art, design & technology, religious education and world views as well as PSHE and PE.
We believe in involving our children in their learning journey so that it is of value to them. Each term will start with the children thinking about what the 'Big Question' inspires them to think about and what they would like to find out next and learn. This ownership of the curriculum motivates the children and we are often amazed by what the children learn and achieve. They work together in teams, communicating confidently and effectively in every lesson. Our moral compass is central to all that they do. It is these skills and values which guide them in their learning journey as they continue to grow and develop into caring citizens and members of our wider community. We also enhance our curriculum with hook days, various trips, visitors and experiences, not to mention ‘wow’ moments. At the end of each term, the children celebrate their learning where we often invite parents in so the children can showcase their learning.
Catch Up
We are still working hard to close gaps, increase attainment and improve progress. Daily we provide intervention in the form of:
- Lexia
- Phonics intervention
- 1:1 reading
- Small maths group intervention or 1:1 pre-teaching
- Handwriting
- Spelling
Each term, our learning follows an area of enquiry’. Our enquiries are:
Cycle A (2023-24)
Enquiry 1 - How did Britain change from the Stone Age to the Iron Age?
Enquiry 2 - Who lives in Antarctica?
Enquiry 3 - What are rivers and how are they used?
Enquiry 4 - What were the earliest civilisations like?
Enquiry 5 - Who were the Ancient Egyptians?
Enquiry 6 - Where does our food come from?
Cycle B (2024-25)
Enquiry 1 - How did the Greek civilisation influence the modern world?
Enquiry 2 - Why do people live near volcanoes?
Enquiry 3 - How did the arrival of the Romans change Britain?
Enquiry 4 - Why are rainforests important to us?
Enquiry 5 - Are all settlements the same?
Enquiry 6 - Why were the trawlermen heroes in Hull?
Throughout our curriculum, we will bring together subjects like history and geography, as well as explicitly teaching computing, music, art, design & technology, religious education and world views as well as PSHE and PE.
We believe in involving our children in their learning journey so that it is of value to them. Each term will start with the children thinking about what the 'Big Question' inspires them to think about and what they would like to find out next and learn. This ownership of the curriculum motivates the children and we are often amazed by what the children learn and achieve. They work together in teams, communicating confidently and effectively in every lesson. Our moral compass is central to all that they do. It is these skills and values which guide them in their learning journey as they continue to grow and develop into caring citizens and members of our wider community. We also enhance our curriculum with hook days, various trips, visitors and experiences, not to mention ‘wow’ moments. At the end of each term, the children celebrate their learning where we often invite parents in so the children can showcase their learning.
Catch Up
We are still working hard to close gaps, increase attainment and improve progress. Daily we provide intervention in the form of:
- Lexia
- Phonics intervention
- 1:1 reading
- Small maths group intervention or 1:1 pre-teaching
- Handwriting
- Spelling
Curriculum News & Homework Resources
Year 4 Long Term Plan Cycle A 2023/2024 Ready to Progress Criteria - Maths Ready to Progress Criteria - Reading Ready to Progress Criteria - Writing |
We regularly teach the children the importance of staying safe on the internet. We take part in esafety day each year and it provides an opportunity for schools to make the most of the positive opportunities offered online, whilst giving young people the resilience, skills, knowledge and support they need to navigate any online risks they may come across. We also have weekly esafety circle questions to broaden the children's thinking and raise important topics to keep them safe online.
By clicking on the link below you will see more about Internet Safety at Elloughton.
We regularly teach the children the importance of staying safe on the internet. We take part in esafety day each year and it provides an opportunity for schools to make the most of the positive opportunities offered online, whilst giving young people the resilience, skills, knowledge and support they need to navigate any online risks they may come across. We also have weekly esafety circle questions to broaden the children's thinking and raise important topics to keep them safe online.
By clicking on the link below you will see more about Internet Safety at Elloughton.