Regular attendance at school is very important. Each child's attendance and non-attendance is fully recorded.
Please inform us of any lateness by telephoning the school or any planned absence by completing an Absence Request Form which is available from the school office.
The school is able to administer medication in certain circumstances, please contact the school office for further information.
Guidance for Parents - Medical Appointments and Illness
Working Together to Improve School Attendance
Please inform us of any lateness by telephoning the school or any planned absence by completing an Absence Request Form which is available from the school office.
The school is able to administer medication in certain circumstances, please contact the school office for further information.
Guidance for Parents - Medical Appointments and Illness
Working Together to Improve School Attendance
Attendance Figures 2023/2024
We are obliged to publish authorised and unauthorised absence figures for the preceding school year. Unauthorised absence includes any absence from school where no satisfactory explanation is received from the parent/guardian of the child.
Number of pupils in school 343
Attendance 95.6%
Authorised Absences 3.1%
Unauthorised Absences 1.3%
Persistent Absence 8.4%
This is the percentage of pupils missing 10% or more of the mornings or afternoons they could attend, meaning that if a pupil’s overall rate of absence is 10% or higher across the full academic year they will be classified as persistently absent.
We are obliged to publish authorised and unauthorised absence figures for the preceding school year. Unauthorised absence includes any absence from school where no satisfactory explanation is received from the parent/guardian of the child.
Number of pupils in school 343
Attendance 95.6%
Authorised Absences 3.1%
Unauthorised Absences 1.3%
Persistent Absence 8.4%
This is the percentage of pupils missing 10% or more of the mornings or afternoons they could attend, meaning that if a pupil’s overall rate of absence is 10% or higher across the full academic year they will be classified as persistently absent.
Parents are legally responsible for ensuring their children attends school regularly under the Education Act 1996. If your child accrues 10 consecutive sessions of unauthorised absence you may be liable for a penalty notice (one day absence equals two sessions and a five day absence is equal to 10 sessions).
An unauthorised absence is any absence that the Headteacher has not given permission for or where an explanation has not been provided by parents. A late arrival after the close of registration is also an unauthorised session. Parents must complete an Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances Request Form and submit this to school, allowing for sufficient time to enable the school to consider the request. Following the receipt of the completed form, registration marks will be reviewed at the close of registration/end of the session to ensure the correct mark has been recorded. Children must attend a full session in order to have a present mark unless they have an authorised reason to leave before the end of the session. Where parents do not follow the school's procedures of submitting a request and simply remove their child without seeking prior approval, a warning may not be given and you may be liable for a penalty notice issued by East Riding Council. Penalty notices from East Riding are £60 per household for each child taken out of school. Penalty Notice Guidance to Parents. Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances Policy - under review Click on the East Riding logo to find out more about the East Riding Council Policy and Procedures on pupil attendance in school. |