At Elloughton Primary School we offer a limited number of places of 30 free hours of early education a week (38 weeks term time only). These hours are to be taken between 8.45am and 3.15pm during term time. These are an additional 15 hours per week entitlement to the existing 15hours free early education place.
If a parent chooses to take the full 30 hours , the morning session will run from 8.45am until 11.45am and the afternoon session 12.15pm until 3.15pm. There will still be a charge for lunchtime cover of £3.00.
If a parent chooses to take the full 30 hours , the morning session will run from 8.45am until 11.45am and the afternoon session 12.15pm until 3.15pm. There will still be a charge for lunchtime cover of £3.00.
You will be eligible if:
both parents are working (or the sole parent in a lone-parent family) and both earn a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at the minimum wage (for under 25-yearolds) or national living wage (if over 25-years-old) and less than £100,000 per annum (this includes employed, self-employed and zero hours contracts).
You do not need to actually work 16 hours per week, but your earnings must equal at least 16 hours work at minimum wage/national living wage both parents are employed but one or both parents is temporarily away from the workplace on parental, maternity, paternity or adoption leave or statutory sick pay one parent is employed and the other parent has substantial caring responsibilities based on specific benefits received for caring one parent is employed and one parent is disabled or incapacitated based on receipt of specific benefits.
How do I apply?
The childcare website offers a simple questionnaire to find out if they recommend you should apply or not. It also shows you what you may be eligible for.
If you wish to apply for the 30 hours you can use the following link
Learn more about the '30 Hour Entitlement' from the article
You will be eligible if:
both parents are working (or the sole parent in a lone-parent family) and both earn a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at the minimum wage (for under 25-yearolds) or national living wage (if over 25-years-old) and less than £100,000 per annum (this includes employed, self-employed and zero hours contracts).
You do not need to actually work 16 hours per week, but your earnings must equal at least 16 hours work at minimum wage/national living wage both parents are employed but one or both parents is temporarily away from the workplace on parental, maternity, paternity or adoption leave or statutory sick pay one parent is employed and the other parent has substantial caring responsibilities based on specific benefits received for caring one parent is employed and one parent is disabled or incapacitated based on receipt of specific benefits.
How do I apply?
The childcare website offers a simple questionnaire to find out if they recommend you should apply or not. It also shows you what you may be eligible for.
If you wish to apply for the 30 hours you can use the following link
Learn more about the '30 Hour Entitlement' from the article