Our EYFS Vision:
‘To empower our children to be independent, well rounded individuals who have a love of learning and seek challenge
in everything they do.’
A warm welcome to our Early Year Foundation Stage. Every day is a busy day, we enhance children’s skills with moment to moment planning which takes into account each and every child’s interest and next step of learning. We create an interesting and fun environment by challenging the children within their play. We utilise our extensive outdoor provision as free flow learning for the children to explore our natural environment and we incorporate forest skills ethos into our learning.
‘To empower our children to be independent, well rounded individuals who have a love of learning and seek challenge
in everything they do.’
A warm welcome to our Early Year Foundation Stage. Every day is a busy day, we enhance children’s skills with moment to moment planning which takes into account each and every child’s interest and next step of learning. We create an interesting and fun environment by challenging the children within their play. We utilise our extensive outdoor provision as free flow learning for the children to explore our natural environment and we incorporate forest skills ethos into our learning.
Our Inside Environment
"We provide thoughtful invitations to learning; provocations which inspire children to come and play."
Our Outdoor Learning Environment
"We inspire and nurture an inquisitive mind in every child."
"We inspire and nurture an inquisitive mind in every child."
"We inspire and nurture an inquisitive mind in every child."
In Early Years, children experience an environment where their play is valued and meaningful. We encourage children’s natural sense of awe and wonder. We seek to create places of beauty where children can be inspired to come and play. Loose Parts
Loose parts can be natural or man made items that can be used in a multitude of ways with no pre- designed outcome. Children can combine them, line them up, join them together, transport them etc. Loose parts allow children to use these materials as they choose. They allow children to develop creativity, critical thinking and problem solving. When children use ‘loose parts’ it can be anything their amazing minds imagine it to be. Their imaginations has no rules or boundaries, no right or wrong way to play, act or behave. In a child’s mind, they can be whoever they want to be, resources can be anything their hearts desire and their creativity skills are given the freedom to expand and develop to new heights. “A cardboard box is never just a cardboard box when it is in the hands of a child!”
Through play children have the opportunity to develop confidence, self-esteem and self-control in re-enacting real-life situations. |
Funky Fingers
We have a range of funky finger activities in our continuous provision. These are important as they strengthen children’s core, hand, arm, shoulder and finger muscles which allows them to become confident and better writers. Why don’t you try some of these activities at home?
How playing outdoors benefits our children
Research shows that working with with soil builds up the immune system and builds resilience to allergy and germs and provides a rich sensory experience. When working with mud and soil serotonin levels increase so this enhances children's well being and brain development.
Research shows that working with with soil builds up the immune system and builds resilience to allergy and germs and provides a rich sensory experience. When working with mud and soil serotonin levels increase so this enhances children's well being and brain development.
Please click here for the Early Years Foundation Stage Handbook
New parent's PowerPoint, Please click here to learn more about nursey life! |
Here are some ideas for you to help your child at home.
100 things to do before you are 6 years old!
100 things to do before you are 6 years old!
Homework Resources:
Your child will bring home a story book to share with you. Please help your child to look at, read and discuss the book.
Recommended Websites:
www.phonicsplay.co.uk Interactive phonics games
www.oxfordowl.co.uk Over 250 free ebooks, games & advice
Recommended Websites:
www.phonicsplay.co.uk Interactive phonics games
www.oxfordowl.co.uk Over 250 free ebooks, games & advice
We regularly teach the children the importance of staying safe on the internet. We take part in E-safety day each year and this year was no different. Internet safety day was the 9th February and this year the theme is ‘Play your part for a better internet!’ and provides an opportunity for schools to make the most of the positive opportunities offered online, whilst giving young people the resilience, skills, knowledge and support they need to navigate any online risks they may come across.