Safeguarding at Elloughton Primary School is given top priority. All adults in our school have a responsibility for Safeguarding.
"At Elloughton Primary School, we recognise that your child is our responsibility and concern. We want to work in partnership with you, and discuss with you, any concerns we may have or that you may have.
It is a priority to inform and involve you at every stage in your child's time at the school.
Since the first priority is your child's welfare, there may be rare occasions when our concern about your child means that we have to consult other agencies even before we contact you.
The East Riding Safeguarding Children Board has laid down the procedures we follow, and the school has adopted a Child Protection Policy in line with this for the safety of all.
If you want to know more about our procedures or the policy, please speak to the Headteacher or your child's class teacher or Lesley Hemmngway ([email protected]) who is the Governor with responsibility for Child Protection.
The Designated Safeguarding Officer is Mrs Fulstow, Headteacher
The Deputy Safeguarding Officer is Mrs Stillings
The named Governor for Safeguarding is Mrs Lesley Hemmingway
Each of them can be contacted via the school office on 01482 666231.
Details of the roles and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Officer can be found in the school's Child Protection Policy.
All adults (staff and visitors) in school are required to wear a visitors badge, and must sign in at the school office, where they will be required to read a copy of the visitor code of conduct.
All staff, governors, students and volunteers undertake a DBS check and staff DBS details are kept in a Single Central Register in school.
The Child Protection Policy (and related policies) form a central part of the Staff Induction process and all of these policies are reviewed annually. As mentioned above The Child Policy Protection Policy can be accessed via the policies tab.
A hard copy can be made available by contacting the school office.
"At Elloughton Primary School, we recognise that your child is our responsibility and concern. We want to work in partnership with you, and discuss with you, any concerns we may have or that you may have.
It is a priority to inform and involve you at every stage in your child's time at the school.
Since the first priority is your child's welfare, there may be rare occasions when our concern about your child means that we have to consult other agencies even before we contact you.
The East Riding Safeguarding Children Board has laid down the procedures we follow, and the school has adopted a Child Protection Policy in line with this for the safety of all.
If you want to know more about our procedures or the policy, please speak to the Headteacher or your child's class teacher or Lesley Hemmngway ([email protected]) who is the Governor with responsibility for Child Protection.
The Designated Safeguarding Officer is Mrs Fulstow, Headteacher
The Deputy Safeguarding Officer is Mrs Stillings
The named Governor for Safeguarding is Mrs Lesley Hemmingway
Each of them can be contacted via the school office on 01482 666231.
Details of the roles and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Officer can be found in the school's Child Protection Policy.
All adults (staff and visitors) in school are required to wear a visitors badge, and must sign in at the school office, where they will be required to read a copy of the visitor code of conduct.
All staff, governors, students and volunteers undertake a DBS check and staff DBS details are kept in a Single Central Register in school.
The Child Protection Policy (and related policies) form a central part of the Staff Induction process and all of these policies are reviewed annually. As mentioned above The Child Policy Protection Policy can be accessed via the policies tab.
A hard copy can be made available by contacting the school office.